Merging Rural Family Practices Into the Schaaz: Effects on Work Satisfaction and Risk of Burnout

J Family Med Prim Intendance. 2018 Sep-October; 7(five): 952–956.

Burnout, job satisfaction, and feet-depression among family physicians: A cantankerous-sectional study

Ahmet Yilmaz

i Department of Family Medicine, Dicle University Medical Faculty, Diyarbakir, Turkey



Physicians are the nearly burn down-outed group among the occupations. Amid the physicians, family physicians accept the highest exhaustion rates. Our objective in this study is to determine factors that are effective on piece of work satisfaction of family physicians and their correlations with their burnout, feet-depression levels.

Subjects and Methods:

This cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out in principal health care professionals in region of Southeastern Anatolia from Diyarbakır Turkey. A survey form consists of 74 questions, and which questions burnout, chore satisfaction, and anxiety-depression level has been applied on family unit medicine doctors, supplementary items in a questionnaire. Total of 343 family medicine doctors were reached, and the questionnaires were administered by contiguous interview. Statistical Package for Social Sciences for Windows 18.0 software was used for statistical analysis.


Work satisfaction of family physicians who are on call lower compared to doctors who are not on call among family physicians who have joined to study (P < 0.005). It is adamant that there is negative correlation between work satisfaction level of family physicians and emotional burnout, desensitisation, anxiety and depression point (P = 0.001 r = -0.23, P = 0.015, r = -0.xvi, P = 0.06, r = -0.124, P = 0.0001, r = -0.23), there is positive correlation between emotional exhaustion levels and anxiety, depression average points (P = 0.001, r = 0.34, P = 0.0001, r = 0.41), there is positive correlation betwixt anxiety and depression points (P = 0.0001, r = 0.57).


The work satisfaction level of family physicians, who are on call and whose fiscal income expectation is not satisfied, was found depression. It is seen that there is strong correlation between inadequacy of piece of work satisfaction with burnout and anxiety, depression. As this tin have negative furnishings on work performance, there is a need to look for solutions to increase work performance of family unit physicians.

Keywords: Burnout, family physician, primary care, work satisfaction


Work satisfaction is described as worker'south feeling satisfaction virtually positive emotional situation that reached every bit a outcome of evaluating task, simply this is how much a staff gets pleasure from job.[i,2] Burnout term is described as "losing power, not making effort situation" and it is described equally vocational danger.[3] Co-ordinate to Maslach and Jackson, (who are referred a lot in this area equally a result of calibration which they have adult) burnout is described as " physical, emotional, and mental syndrome which become clear with negative manners against piece of work life and other people with developing of negative ego in individuals who feels concrete exhaustion, conical tiredness, agony, and hopelessness."[four] Work satisfaction in medicine profession affects life out of work and always requires self sacrifice has cracking importance. Burnout of family physicians does not provide needs of patients and this decreases quality of health service. Studies show that burnout is widespread among healthcare staff.[5,6] A strong correlation is seen betwixt piece of work dissatisfaction of healthcare staff and hindering and anxiety.[7] Current literature lacks extensive studies that investigate the correlation between work satisfaction and burnout with feet low terms.

This study investigated modifiable factors that could influence burnout, task satisfaction, and low among family physicians, and the authors concluded that adjusting these factors in a resident'southward life may reduce burnout.

Subjects and Methods

Information collection

In this cantankerous sectional and descriptive study, a questionnaire consisting of 74 expressions except from demographic variances has been used. Questionnaires have been given to family physicians who are working in the family wellness intendance centers and who have accepted to participate after approval of Community Wellness Province Advisers and analysis take been washed on 343 questionnaires which are evaluated as advisable for evaluation. Three different scales have been used in engagement collection to make up one's mind staffs' works satisfaction, burnout and anxiety depression levels except demographic information grade.

Demographic information form

In this questionnaire which aims to collect demographic information of family physicians. Demographic features which have questions like age, sex, marital condition, income level'due south meeting needs situation, type and number of duties, work experience and work need are determined.

Work satisfaction inventory

This inventory was developed by Spector (1997) to determine work satisfaction of workers.[eight] Five-signal Likert scale has been used to evaluate this inventory consists of nine questions and adapted into Turkish by Kula.[ix] Cronbach Alpha coefficient is constitute 0.78 in reliability assay, which is done for questionnaire. Kurtosis and skewness values have been constitute betwixt –one and +ane for normal distribution, and distribution is normal.

Burnout inventory

This questionnaire was adult in 1981 past Maslach and Jackson, who are seen equally authority in exhaustion topic, has passed into literature equally Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI).[4] Turkish validity and reliability study has been done by Ergin[x] In inventory, there are 9 five-point Likert type to measure emotional burnout, 5 v- point Likert type to measure desensitizing, 8 five-point Likert type to measure decreasing feeling in personal success, totally 22 piece v-bespeak Likert types (0–4 points). Emotional sub dimension is internal dimension of burnout. Some symptoms such every bit tiredness, feelings of emotionally worn-out can exist seen on people who are on that size. A person starts to think that he does not behave responsible to people whom he served as in the past and going to work for that person starts to be an anxiety resource.[xi] Sub dimension of desensitization is interpersonal dimension of exhaustion. Person'due south displaying insensitive behaviors to individuals whom they give service is question in topic. Person became dehumanized and started to display snooty, strict, indifferent manners. If decreasing feeling is in sub dimension in personal success, people tend to experience themselves as negative. Person feel himself/herself inadequate, thinks that he has not advanced in his/her job and his efforts take not worked out. In evaluation of inventory, information technology is seen that the higher points in emotional burnout and desensitization dimension, the lower points in personal success feeling, the more than exhaustion is.[three] No breakpoint has been used during evaluation. Cronbach Alpha co efficient has been found 0.74 in validity analysis that has been done for inventory. Kurtosis and skewness values are betwixt –1 and +, and distribution is normal.

Beck anxiety inventory

It is an inventory that a person tin can apply individually to determine frequency of anxiety symptoms that individuals take experienced. It was developed by Brook et al. in 1988[12] and adapted into Turkish by Ulusoy et al.[13]

A self-evaluation inventory is used to determine frequency of feet that individuals have experienced. It has 21 items and "never," "depression level," "medium level," and "high level" options, and Likert blazon that is graded between 0–three. Score interval is between 0–63, and total point shows volume of anxiety that a person experienced. Cronbach Alpha coefficient has been plant 0.74 for validity analysis that has been done for Brook inventory. Kurtosis and skewness values are between –1 and +1, and distribution is normal.

Brook depression inventory

Beck Depression Inventory was developed by Beck et al. is an inventory consisting of 21 terms that are used to make up one's mind symptoms that occur in depression and graded betwixt 0–3.[14] It includes 21self evaluation sentence and provides four-point Likert scales. It gives 0–iii points to each item. Information technology predicts depression development every bit the point increases. Inventory's Turkish reliability and validity study has been done by Hisli.[xv] In reliability analysis for inventory, Cronbach Blastoff coefficient has been found 0.74. Kurtosis and skewness values are betwixt–ane and + i and distribution is normal.

Statistical analysis

SPSS 18.0 statistic program is used to analyze data. In analysis of obtained data, frequency analysis, parametric (t test, ANOVA) and correlation tests have been used. Data evaluation is washed on total points of answers that participants have effort each question. A statistical significance level is accepted P < 0.05.


Piece of work satisfaction points of family physicians who are on call is lower compared to the participants who are not on call amidst family physicians who have joined the written report (P < 0.005). Piece of work satisfaction of the participants who think financial income level does satisfy needs is lower (P < 0.001). There is no difference in work satisfaction points co-ordinate to family physicians' age, sex, marital condition, service life in job, their partner's working condition and their diagnosed wellness problems (P > 0.05) [Table ane].

Table i

Demographic variables

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There is negative correlation between work satisfaction level of family physicians and emotional exhaustion, desensitization, anxiety and depression point (P = 0.001 r = -0.23, P = 0.015, r = -0.16, P = 0.06, r = -0.124, P = 0.0001, r = -0.23), in that location is positive correlation between emotional burnout levels and anxiety, low average points (P = 0.001, r = 0.34, P = 0.0001, r = 0.41), there is positive correlation between anxiety and depression points (P = 0.0001, r = 0.57) [Table 2].

Table 2

Correlation betwixt work satisfaction, anxiety-depression, and burnout

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There is correlation betwixt family physicians' working productively and existence helpful to their patients and their piece of work satisfaction. Protecting and developing wellness of family physicians is critically important not only for family physicians and their families but besides for their patients.[6] It is obvious in the studies that burnout amid medicine staff gradually increase and this situation affects not only doctors but also quality of wellness service and patient intendance.[16]

In a study that Kaya et al. although, there is no specific intermission point to evaluate subcomponents of Maslach inventory in each sub scale, way of emotional burnout is 36, mode of desensitization is xx, and personal success is 32.[17]

In the study that Kaya et al. did in kickoff stride health establishment in 2005, they have found that family physicians' emotional burnout point fourteen.0, desensitization point 4.1, and personal success betoken ten.three.[18] In the study that Yavuzyilmaz et al. have done in community clinics, information technology is seen that doctors have taken 14.2 points in emotional exhaustion dimension, 5.0 in desensitization dimension, and 9.5 in personal failure dimension.[19] In our report, emotional burnout of doctors has been plant 13, desensitization 6–7, and personal success points 20.5. These results make u.s.a. think that doctors feel bit tired and emotional wear about their profession. On the other hand, the low score in the sub-dimension of desensitization indicates that this situation does not reflect yet negatively on the population whom family physicians give care. Although emotional burnout and desensitization points in ii studies are similar to our study, personal success points are lower than our written report. This situation shows that burnout level of our report is at like level in comparison with results obtained with other studies in our country.

In study of Goehring et al. in Switzerland, emotional burnout point of outset step family unit physicians is 17.9, desensitization point is vi.5, and personal success points is 39.half dozen. In the study done in Italy, points are 18.5, 6.1 and 38.5.[20] In the study washed in England, emotional exhaustion for practicians is 26.1 and 22.3 points, desensitization is 9.8 and vii.4 points, and personal success is 32.vii and 39.4.[21,22] A personal success point has been obtained in our report is lower than international studies as it is seen. Our written report takes more attending as it shows the need those family unit physicians practices should be evaluated from time to time.

There are studies that requite dissimilar results about the correlation between service life and burnout situation in literature. Kirwan, Sunter and Kurcer accept non determined any correlation between service life and exhaustion points in their study.[23,24,25] In our study, it is clear service life is not effective of burnout points. In the study done on healthcare staff in Estava, Spain, high job satisfaction protects the person from burnout.[26] Burnout points of the ones who says feet increases because of piece of work load and work stress, and the ones who are not pleased about their working environment is high.[27] Goehring has found in his study that being not pleased virtually work weather condition is a take chances factor for burnout.[xx] In our study, similarly, information technology is articulate that burnout points of family physicians increase as work satisfaction decreases.

Various studies conducted in dissimilar regions, showed that the doctors who are in whatsoever kind of on call service have depression job satisfaction.[28,29] Our study confirms that job satisfaction of family unit physicians who are on call having certainly is depression because of that on telephone call service decreases job satisfaction.

It is studied in few studies that there is correlation between work satisfaction rates' being low and exhaustion with feet. It is adamant that at that place is a close relation between doctors' having difficulties in work environs and burnout.[30] Our report demonstrated that the participants who have depression job satisfaction take higher anxiety points. Moreover, the work satisfaction'due south being depression have likewise negative psychological results or oppositely it is effective on the state of affairs that the participants who accept higher feet have lower piece of work satisfaction and work productivity. This situation tin can crusade decreasing of work productivity of family unit physicians who accept of import conclusion about human health and cause the people whom they take service to be affected desperately. For this reason, studies for developing individuals and institutional methods toward doctors increasing wok satisfaction by rearranging working atmospheric condition that effects work satisfaction are warranted.

Co-ordinate to the previous literature that decreasing work satisfaction can cause decreasing in work productivity and increasing in exhaustion. The relation betwixt work satisfaction and feet tin can exist a vicious circumvolve. For example, while jobs of individuals who have high anxiety scores are a resources for anxiety because of their existing anxiety, work satisfaction decreases gradually and anxiety scores of the participants who have depression job satisfaction can increase. The current literature lacks the studies that investigate the relationship of low fiscal income and work satisfaction.[24,31,32] In our study, we demonstrated that the exhaustion levels of the participants who have low income take high burnout level.


In our study, it is foreseen that practice of call service of family physicians and their considering income level to be inadequate, although their income is provided above the poverty line in our country, crusade their burnout levels higher and work satisfaction lower. The evaluation of physicians' expectations in practice seems to be an important need. It should exist increase awareness that the burn out of family unit physicians has significance due to particular group that they serve. Information technology is clear that there is a need for wider participation in the study of family doc's burnout in the futurity.

Financial back up and sponsorship

Nosotros thank to the Dicle University Scientific Research Advisers (DUBAP xiv TF 50) for their fiscal support for our report.

Conflicts of interest

At that place are no conflicts of interest.


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